Will Your Business Stand The Test Of Time?
The business landscape has changed unalterably. If you want to survive AND thrive in the years to come, now’s the time to make sure your business has the right people foundations in place…
Life as a business owner has been tougher than ever ⤵
It goes without saying that the last couple of years have been pretty turbulent, what with Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic, and the result is that life as a business owner has been tougher than ever.
But as the world moves on, many of us will have the same questions:
- How do I get my business to bounce back from the last couple of years?
- How do I reintegrate staff furloughed and make them feel part of the cause once again?
- How do I improve the company culture having had to let go of some of my employees?

"Culture is such a difficult thing within a business. So to be able to come on a course like this and to see some simple steps and ways to push this forward. I wasn't expecting to have that level of clarity.”
Paul Bleck, Bartech Marine Engineering
Say Goodbye To The Old Way Of Doing Things
Even before the pandemic, what was clear is that what employees wanted and needed from the company they worked for was changing.
With millennials well and truly a part of the UK workforce, and Generation Z following fast behind, the old way of doing things - with a top down, “I’m the boss, you’re the workers” approach – just doesn’t work.
Instead, it’s the companies that recognise the need to create a culture that their employees actually want to be a part of that are succeeding.
This changing of the guard was accelerated by the pandemic, and as we move into this new era, it’s going to be more important than ever to think differently and understand what today and tomorrow’s workers actually want.
Why Does Workplace Culture Matter?
Maybe right now you’re not taking your company culture particularly seriously, and maybe right now it’s not having a huge impact on your business.
But as the last couple of years has taught us, things can change very, very quickly, and unless you can adapt to the changing landscape, you can find your business out of date in very short order.
You only have to look back over the past two decades to see scores of big businesses that thought they had it cracked and then fell by the wayside.
The number one rule of business is to make sure you’re providing something that people want and need, and while it’s true of your product, it’s just as true when it comes to the staff you need to deliver your product.
"The biggest thing that surprised me is that there are lots of simple things that we can do straight away that will make a big difference.”
Tom, Medical Mavericks
So, what’s the secret?
How do you attract the very best candidates to come and work for you, inspire them to deliver fantastic results for you and stay for years to come as you build a successful business?
Well, it’s easier said than done.
And the problem for most business owners is that although they know it’s something they need to be doing, the busyness of life tends to ensure that ‘Sort culture out’ is something which remains perennially un-ticked on the ‘to do’ list.
Time isn’t the only issue of course.
For most business owners, their expertise lies in delivering their product or service, not in recruiting, inspiring and retaining staff.
As a result, they usually have no idea where to start, even if they are in a position where they’ve got time to do so.
Consequently, life just goes on without any focus on culture, and over time, the company culture grows more and more out of date, and more and more out of kilter with what employees want and need from the company they work for.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. There’s good news, and it’s the fact that you’re reading this right now.
That means you understand that company culture is important, and that you’re prepared to think about what you can do to improve yours.
And if that’s the case, then I can help.
You see, for the last twenty years, I’ve been working with businesses to help them create fantastic, vibrant places to work.
I’ve worked with businesses at start-up stage, that want to make sure they’re getting it right from day one…
I’ve helped businesses on a growth phase, that want to ensure that they retain a great culture as they expand and scale…
And I’ve partnered with businesses as they prepare for an exit, making certain that the ‘people’ side of their business is as strong as possible, and a completely saleable asset.
And wherever you are on this spectrum, I can help.

Each year, I work 1:1 with a handful of business owners, specifically helping them with their culture, and assisting them to create a great place to work that in turn ensures a strong, stable and profitable business.
I LOVE that work, but over this last year I’ve recognised that because of the 1:1 nature of it, I’m not able to help anywhere near as many people as I’d like to.
I’m fully at capacity.
And that’s a problem for me.
You see, there are so many business owners waking up to the importance of this stuff, but unfortunately I just don’t have the bandwidth to service them all in the way that I’d like to.
And for the ones that I can service, it’s an extremely sizeable, five-figure investment.
Although it’s worth it, I understand that it’s a stretch for plenty of businesses, who’ve got lots of other bills to worry about.
So during lockdown, I had an idea…
What if there were a way to make sure as many business owners that wanted to were able to access the foundations of successful workplace culture, at a fraction of the cost of working with me 1:1?
And I’ll spare you the suspense:
there is
A six-month long online membership course that gives you access to the key foundations you’ll need when it comes to creating a winning workplace culture.
Via a series of online modules, as well as live sessions with me, Recruit, Inspire, Retain Online gives you the perfect introduction into creating a fantastic culture in your organisation.
What's included?Here’s what’s in store for you:
How to identify and eliminate the P.E.O.P.L.E Disease in your organisation
If you struggle to recruit, inspire or retain staff, then there’s a good chance that the P.E.O.P.L.E Disease is to blame. We’ll explore the three main issues that contribute to the P.E.O.P.L.E Disease; what causes those issues, and what needs to be done in response.
How company culture impacts your business both positively and negatively
You’ve already got a company culture, whether by luck or design.
But if you haven’t consciously cultivated one, there’s a good chance it isn’t the right culture for you and your business. In this section, we’ll look carefully at types of culture, and the positive and negative characteristics within those cultures, helping you to define the kind of business you want to run.
The fundamental building blocks of all successful businesses
You wouldn’t dream of building a house without putting the foundations in place, but unfortunately that’s what a lot of us do when it comes to building our businesses.
And it’s only when we come back years later that we realise the business is on very shaky ground.
The good news is that it is possible to reintroduce foundations, but the sooner you do it, the less painful it’s going to be.
Defining your company’s purpose and getting your staff on board with it
Most smart business owners recognise that without staff, a business can’t grow and scale.
But what lots of us overlook is that employees (particularly in 2020) and beyond, don’t just want a job.
They want to be part of something, and feel like they’re involved in an overall purpose.
If you’re able to articulate that purpose and your reason for doing what you do to your employees, getting them on board for the long haul will be far easier.
How to attract and recruit the best people to work for you
Recruitment. For many, it’s a nightmare process. And because hiring can be so challenging, it can often lead to companies making the wrong decision when it comes to recruiting, bringing people into the team that just aren’t right.
We’ll look in detail at every element of the recruitment process; from job descriptions, personal specs and interview questions, right through to the employee’s first day, your onboarding process and your performance management in those early days.
Getting the best out of your staff, day after day after day
The sad truth is that too many companies are carrying staff members that perform poorly. And because poor performance is ignored, it ends up creating a toxic culture within the organisation, and affecting the better performing staff members too.
We’ll spend some time focusing on how to address this, thinking about your probation period, sickness and absence policy, disciplinary procedure, employee feedback and performance management and improvement.
Being a leader that employees are delighted to follow
The truth is that company culture comes from the top, and if you’re not embodying the values you want within your organisation, the chances of your employees exhibiting them are close to zero.
That’s why there’s an entire section on leadership, covering the skills and attributes required to be a great leader, how to ensure you’re being a role model, and methods for continuing to improve your leadership as the company grows.
Each of these areas is discussed, in-depth, in modules, each comprising a series of videos.
All told you’ll get many hours of content, all designed to help you create a culture that:
Attracts the best people to work for you
Gets the very best out of your employees
Helps you retain your best people for the long haul
Accompanying each module is a workbook, that you can download and work through as you complete the course. It’s vital that you complete this part – without it, nothing will change.
In addition, you’ll also have monthly group sessions with me, where I’ll be doing a deep dive on each of the core areas.
The result? Over six months, you’ll have a foundation in place that helps you create a happy, healthy organisation, with employees pulling in the right direction, resulting in a better, stronger and more profitable business for you and your family.
And once you’ve secured the course, you’ll have LIFETIME access to it, which means you’ll be able to run through the modules as many times as you want and interact in the Facebook group.
Your Investment
As I mentioned, I created Recruit, Inspire, Retain Online because I wanted to be able to help more people and have more of a positive impact.
And that’s why I’ve made the pricing as low as I can – you can get started for a one-off investment of just £1,295.
When you consider that Recruit, Inspire, Retain will help you:
• Bring in staff that add significant value to your business
• Get your team working at the highest possible level
• Keep your superstars in your organisation
…I’m sure you’ll agree that just £1,295 for those three outcomes is a very reasonable investment.
Buy Now
Don't just take our word for it, meet Paul and Tom.
Your Next Step
It’s decision time – it’s time for you to decide whether or not you really are serious about changing your organisation for the better, and creating a winning workplace culture that meets the needs of today’s workers.
I hope you are serious, because I know from experience that once you’ve gone through this process, learnt from the modules and actioned the content within them, you’ll have:
- Made your purpose a key part of your business, ensuring that it’s present in everything you do and that your staff are on board with it.
- Improved the leadership of the organisation, equipping your leaders with the skills and tools they need to lead in a way that gets the best out of your employees.
- Got your employees more engaged, so they enjoy coming to work, and put in work that both you and they can be proud of.
If that sounds like a good outcome for you and your business, then there’s zero doubt that Recruit, Inspire and Retain Online is for you.

In fact, I’m so sure about it that I’m going to guarantee it:
Join the programme, go through all the modules, complete your workbook on those modules, and if – at the end of it all – you don’t think it’s been worth your investment, I’ll give you your money back .
Zero risk, and serious reward.
Time to get started
To get started on your culture transformation, just click the button below, fill in the relevant details and you’ll get priority access to the online platform that houses all the content.
You’ll also receive a welcome email giving you details of everything that’s included in your package along with step-by-step instructions on how to make the most of your membership.
Right, that’s it from me – let’s get started transforming your culture!